- Case Report
A Case of Ectopic Sebaceous Glands in the Esophagus
Tae Ho Kim, Jung Hoon Song, Tae Hyung Kim, Jung Seok Park, Kyung Pyo Cho, Jae Sung Lee, Ji Seok Sung, Yun Ju Han
Korean J Helicobacter Up Gastrointest Res 2012;12(4):249-251. Published online December 10, 2012
- Original Article
Is There a Difference between Endoscopic Finding and Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Chronic Gastritis?
Jin Il Kim, Hyun Jeong Lee, Jeong Ho Kim, Tae Ho Kim, Jung Hwan Oh, Eun Jung Jun, Dae Young Cheung, Woo Cheol Chung, Byung Wook Kim, Sung Soo Kim, Soo Heon Park
Korean J Helicobacter Up Gastrointest Res 2012;12(3):178-182. Published online September 10, 2012