Korean J Helicobacter  Up Gastrointest Res Search


Korean J Helicobacter  Up Gastrointest Res > Volume 11(3); 2011 > Article
The Korean Journal of Helicobacter  and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2011;11(3):198-200.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7704/kjhugr.2011.11.3.198    Published online December 10, 2011.
A Case of Gastric Lipoma Removed Using a Detachable Snare
Hye Won Kang, Ki Nam Shim, Kyoung Joo Kwon, Eun Mi Song, Ju Young Choi, Sung Eun Kim, Sung Ae Jung, Hye Kyung Jung
Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Medical Research Institute, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. shimkn@ewha.ac.kr
박리성 올가미로 제거된 위 지방종 1예
강혜원, 심기남, 권경주, 송은미, 최주영, 김성은, 정성애, 정혜경
이화여자대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실, 의과학연구소
Gastrointestinal lipoma is a benign tumor of mature adipose tissue, surrounded by fibrous capsule. They can be located anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, but rarely in the stomach, especially at the cardia. Gastric lipoma accounts for approximately 2~3% of all benign gastric tumors, and 5% of all gastrointestinal lipomas. Lipoma tends to have very low malignant potential, but if it induces symptoms like abdominal pain or hemorrhage, it needs to be removed. We report a case of gastric lipoma which was successfully removed by only using a detachable snare. A 72-years-old woman who had no specific symptom was found to have a submucosal tumor at cardia. During endoscopy, the fatty internal material accidently came out after tearing the mucosa with biopsy, and it was successfully removed using a detdachable snare.
Key Words: Lipoma; Endoscopy; Stomach

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