Korean J Helicobacter  Up Gastrointest Res Search


Korean J Helicobacter  Up Gastrointest Res > Volume 11(3); 2011 > Article
The Korean Journal of Helicobacter  and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2011;11(3):176-184.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7704/kjhugr.2011.11.3.176    Published online December 10, 2011.
Effect of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome
Seung Ho Choi, Seung Joo Kang, Goh Eun Chung, Hae Yeon Kang, Nam Ju Hu, Su Jin Chung, Donghee Kim, Min Jung Park
Department of Internal Medicine, Healthcare Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital Healthcare System Gangnam Center, Seoul, Korea. gipmj@snuh.org
헬리코박터 제균치료가 고밀도 지단백 콜레스테롤 및 대사증후군 유병률에 미치는 영향
최승호*, 강승주*, 정고은, 강해연, 허남주, 정수진, 김동희, 박민정
서울대학교병원 헬스케어 시스템 강남센터 내과, 헬스케어 연구소
Helicobacter pylori causes extragastric manifestations, including dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome. However the effects of eradication of H. pylori infection on dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome have shown conflicting results. We aimed to investigate the effect of eradication therapy on parameters of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome and prevalence of metabolic syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects who received eradication therapy between August 2004 and June 2010 and who underwent health checkup one year after eradication were enrolled in this study. Parameters of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome before and after eradication were collected and tested for significant changes. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome before eradication was also compared with that after treatment. RESULTS: Of the 452 subjects enrolled, 324 subjects were males. In male, HDL cholesterol was significantly elevated after eradication treatment in both young (< or =50) and old (>50) age group. Other metabolic parameters such as waist circumference, body mass index, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, fasting glucose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and c-reactive protein were not significantly different after eradication in both age group. In female, triglyceride increased significantly and HDL cholesterol decreased after eradication in the old age group. But in the young age female group all the metabolic parameters showed no changes. There were no significant changes in prevalence of metabolic syndrome after eradication treatment in both genders. CONCLUSIONS: Helicobacter eradication caused elevation of HDL cholesterol in males. Eradication therapy showed no effect on prevalence of metabolic syndrome.
Key Words: Helicobacter pylori; HDL cholesterol; Metabolic syndrome X

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