Korean J Helicobacter  Up Gastrointest Res Search


Korean J Helicobacter  Up Gastrointest Res > Volume 18(4); 2018 > Article
The Korean Journal of Helicobacter  and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2018;18(4):264-270.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7704/kjhugr.2018.18.4.264    Published online December 10, 2018.
Postoperative Cure for Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
Eun Hyea Park, Jin Il Kim  , Dae Yong Cheung  , Soo Heon Park 
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea. jikim@catholic.ac.kr
전이성 위장관 기질종양의 수술 후 완치
박은혜, 김진일, 정대영, 박수헌
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 여의도성모병원 소화기내과
Correspondence:  Jin Il Kim, Tel: +82-2-3779-1519, Fax: +82-2-3779-1331, 
Email: jikim@catholic.ac.kr
Received: 3 May 2018   • Revised: 5 June 2018   • Accepted: 8 June 2018
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a mesenchymal tumor derived from Cajal cells originating from the myotonic plexus. The expression of tyrosine kinase (KIT) membrane receptors that are active on KIT is inhibited by the KIT inhibitor imatinib mesylate. GISTs are resistant to conventional chemotherapy, and radiation therapy is not significantly beneficial for GISTs. With the development of imatinib mesylate, approximately 81.6% of patients with advanced and metastatic GIST exhibit an effect above the stabilization response, thereby increasing the survival time. However, imatinib mesylate alone is unlikely to cure metastatic GISTs. Even with a partial or stable response, imatinib mesylate may be used for a longer time period. However, resection of grossly visible lesions should be considered for patients with a stable response during surgical treatment. In this study, we present a case of GIST with liver metastasis after imatinib mesylate treatment, which was followed up without recurrence after partial resection.
Key Words: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors; Imatinib mesylate

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