Promoter Methylation of Helicase-like Transcription Factor in Gastric Cancer |
Helicase-like Transcription Factor 메틸화와 위암과의 관계 |
송지현·김정환·심상군*·김성†·송상용‡·김덕환§·김재준 |
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 소화기내과, 마산삼성병원 소화기내과*, 삼성서울병원 외과†, 병리과‡, 삼성생명과학연구소 유전체연구센터§ |
Abstract |
Background/Aims: To investigate the significance of promoter methylation of the helicase-like transcription factor (HLTF) in primary gastric cancer. Methods: 256 gastric cancer patients participated in this study. HLTF methylation status was evaluated by the methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. Results: HLTF methylation was found in 38% of the patients and associated with family history in the early stage of gastric cancer. In intestinal-type, HLTF methylation occurred in 56% of patients with family histories, and in 31% without family histories. In diffuse-type, patients with family histories were also shown a higher prevalence of HLTF methylation than those without family histories (61% vs. 34%). HLTF methylation occurred in about 70∼90% of the early stage with family histories and in 15∼30% without family histories. Conclusions: HLTF methylation may play a crucial role in the early stage of gastric carcinogenesis in patients with family histories and may be a valuable susceptible marker for the risk of gastric cancer in individuals with family histories. (The Korean Journal of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2006;6:29-34) |
Key Words:
HLTF, Methylation, Gastric cancer, Family history |