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The Korean Journal of Helicobacter  and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2008;8(1):1-8.
Published online July 10, 2008.
Distribution of Upper Gastroduodenal Diseases in Health Check-up Subjects in 2006
2006년 건강 검진자에서의 상부 소화기질환의 분포
김나영*ㆍ김재우ㆍ김현진ㆍ정문기§ 박선미ㆍ백광호ㆍ박준용ㆍ나병규# 남수연**ㆍ서강석††ㆍ고병성‡‡ㆍ장재영§§ㆍ김병관∥∥ㆍ김지원∥∥ㆍ박종재¶¶ㆍ홍수진##ㆍ성재규***ㆍ박경식†††ㆍ김성은‡‡‡ㆍ박현신§§§ㆍ김영선∥∥∥ㆍ임선희∥∥∥ㆍ김충현∥∥∥ㆍ박민정∥∥∥ㆍ임정윤∥∥∥ㆍ조경란∥∥∥ㆍ김동희∥∥∥ㆍ박선자¶¶¶ㆍ지삼룡###ㆍ송근암****ㆍ정인식††††
분당서울대학교병원 내과*, 원주기독병원 내과, 경상의대 내과학교실, 가천의대 인천길병원§, 충북의대 내과학교실, 한림의대 내과학교실, 강릉아산병원 내과#, 국립암센터 암예방검진센터**, 광주기독병원 내과††, 을지의대 내과학교실‡‡, 경희의료원 내과학교실§§, 서울의대 보라매병원 내과∥∥, 고려의대 내과학교실¶¶, 순천향의대 내과학교실##, 충남의대 내과학교실***, 계명의대 내과학교실†††, 이화의대 내과학교실‡‡‡, 인하의대 건강증진센터§§§, 서울대학교병원 강남센터∥∥∥, 고신의대 내과학교실¶¶¶, 인제의대 백병원 내과학교실###, 부산의대 내과학교실****, 가톨릭의대 내과학교실††††
The improvement of socioeconomic condition might affect the upper gastroduodenal diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of reflux esophagitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or gastric cancer in health check-up subjects in the 40 nationwide hospitals. Methods: From January to June 2006, total 25,536 health check-up subjects (age≥16) were enrolled. Questionnaires and gastroscopy were performed. Results: The prevalence of reflux esophagitis, benign gastric ulcer (active and healing stage), duodenal ulcer (active and healing stage) or gastric cancer was found to be 7.9%, 3.3%, 2.1% and 0.25%, respectively. The prevalences of these four diseases were significantly higher in men than in women, and those of benign gastric ulcer and gastric cancer proportionally increased as getting older. However, 51.6% of the subjects replied that they felt epigastric pain or discomfort for at least a few days within a year, and women felt it more frequently than men. The distribution of body mass index (BMI) <23, 23∼25, and 25≤ were 41,9% (10,455), 27.1% (6,774) and 31.0% (7,737), respectively.The detection rate of gastric cancer at the health check-up center was 0.25% and the proportion of early gastric cancer was 72.3%. Conclusions: The prevalence of reflux esophagitis was highest among upper gastroduodenal diseases and it might be caused by decrease of H. pylori positivity and increase of BMI, which are associated with improvement of socioeconomic status. The mortality rate of gastric cancer might decrease due to high proportion of early gastric cancer, 72.3% in the health check-up subjects. (The Korean Journal of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2008;8:1-8)
Key Words: Health check-up, Reflux esophagitis, Gastric ulcer, Duodenal ulcer, Gastric cancer
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