Author’s checklist
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- Author’s checklist

This checklist is provided to shorten the length of period from submission to final decision of publication. Please review if each item is followed correctly and check directly in progression for online paper submission.
Original Article
- ☐ Is the manuscript 10 point typed and double-spaced in an A4-size paper?
- ☐ Is the page number inserted consecutively at the center of the footer on each page?
- ☐ Did you check the ethics rules in the submission provision?
- ☐ Did you refer to the “List of English Abbreviation” for the abbreviations used in your manuscript?
- ☐ When an abbreviation was repeated three times or more, did you use it first after marking in the parenthesis?
1. Title page
☐ Did you present the title, authors (institutional affiliation and full name), running title, contact information (corresponding author, full name, mailing address, zip code, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address) with Korean and English orderly on the cover?
☐ Did you present a shortened title if your manuscript is in Korean and the title is longer than 30 letters?
- ☐ Did you present a shortened title with 12 words or less if your manuscript is in English and the title is longer than 12 words?
- ☐ Did you disclose whether you received any funding or interests?
- ☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of nouns and adjectives in the title of the article?
Ex) Prognostic factors of ulcer bleeding (×)
Prognostic Factors of Ulcer Bleeding (○)
- ☐ Did you place the last name after the first name?
Ex) Hong Kil Dong (×)
Kil-dong Hong (×)
Kil Dong Hong (○)
- □ Are the names of authors separated by commas?
□ Did you correctly use the official name for organizations?
Ex) Seoul National University Medical College (×)
Seoul National University Medical School (×)
Seoul National University College of Medicine (○)
□ Did you present the names of multiple departments and/or organizations as follows?
Ex) Department of Internal Medicine1, Department of Radiology2, Department of Pathology3 (×)
Departments of Internal Medicine1, Radiology2, and Pathology3 (○)
2. English Abstract
- ☐ Did you construct your manuscript in the order of Background/Aims, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions? Did you change lines for the beginning of each session?
- ☐ Did you write with no more than 250 words?
- ☐ Did you list the Key Words with no more than five words and separate with semicolon? Did you capitalize the first letter of the Key Words?
3. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion
- □ Did you number the references serially?
- □ Did you check that all the references are quoted in the text?
□ Did you insert the superscripts for the references as follows?
Ex) Examples are presented10-13). (×)
Examples are presented.10,11,12,13 (×)
Examples are presented.10-13 (○)
☐ Did you insert a proper space between an English word and a parenthesis or between a number and a parenthesis?
Ex) tumor necrosis factor(TNF) (×)
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (○)
8 patients(16%) (×)
8 patients (16%) (○)
11/20(55.0%) (×)
11/20 (55.0%) (○)
☐ Did you insert a proper space between numbers and unit?
Ex) amylase 99U/dL (×)
amylase 99 U/dL (○)
AST 125IU/L (×)
AST 125 IU/L (○)
9.2mg/dL (×)
9.2 mg/dL (○)
170cm (×)
170 cm (○)
☐ Are there any unnecessary spaces between numbers and %, oC?
Ex) 78 % (×)
78% (○)
39 oC (×)
39oC (○)
☐ Did you use the numbering in a logical and consistent way?
Ex) 1. Method
1) Serum Test
(1) Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
□ Did you italicize the scientific name, such as bacterial name and virus name,
Ex) Helicobacter pylori (×)
Helicobacter pylori (○)
□ Did you present P value as an italicized capital letter?
Ex) p (×)
P (○)
- □ Did you separately describe the “Materials and Methods” session under a sub-session
- □ Did you describe your “Results” with dividing into several sub-sessions?
- □ Did you list any irrelevant facts or knowledge with your study in your “Discussion”?
4. Reference
□ Did you list all references including Korean literatures in English? You should list all the authors for the reference if the reference has no more than 6 authors. If the reference has more than 6 authors, you should list the first three authors, followed by “, et al.”
Ex) 1. Meyer JH, Kirkman S, et al. (×)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S et al. (×)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al. (○)
□ Did you place the last name before the first name?
Ex) Kelly A Allan, MD (×)
Allan KA (○)
Pei Pei Cheng (×)
Cheng PP (○)
□ Did you correctly list the authors and title as follows?
Ex) 1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al: Technical factors ... (×)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al. Technical factors ... (○)
□ Did you check whether there are any duplicates of references under a different number?
□ Did you use the official abbreviations for the journal titles?
Ex) Gastroenterol (×)
Gastroenterology (○)
Cell Growth and Differentiation (×)
Cell Growth Differ (○)
□ Did you correctly describe the year, volume, and page numbers for reference articles as follows?
Ex) Prognosis of peptic ulcers. Gut 1987;325:103. (×)
Prognosis of peptic ulcers. Gut 325:103-106, 1987. (×)
Prognosis of peptic ulcers. Gut 1987;325:103-106. (○)
□ Did you correctly quote the abstract, supplement, on-line journal and unpublished journal according to PubMed form?
□ Did you capitalize the first letter of the title you quoted?
Ex) Meltzer R. Oncogene Abnormality in Colon Cancer. Gut 1987;30:23-30. (×)
Meltzer R. Oncogene abnormality in colon cancer. Gut 1987;30:23-30. (○)
□ Did you correctly format the book references?
Ex) Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. New York: Chelsea House, 2007. (×)
Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. 2nd ed. Chelsea House; New York 2007. (×)
Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea House, 2007:1-5. (×)
Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea House, 2007. (○)
□ Did you correctly format the book chapter references as follows?
Ex) 5. Malaty HM. Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. In: Sutton P, Mitchell HM, eds. Helicobacter pylori in the 21st century. Oxfordshire: CAB International, 2010:1-12. (×)
5. Malaty HM. Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. In: Sutton P, Mitchell HM, eds. Helicobacter pylori in the 21st century. 1st ed. Oxfordshire: CAB International, 2010. (×)
5. Malaty HM. Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. In: Sutton P, Mitchell HM, eds. Helicobacter pylori in the 21st century. 1st ed. Oxfordshire: CAB International, 2010:1-12. (○)
□ Did you express Korean literatures or foreign literatures without description in English as follows?
Ex) 강현우, 강해연, 김상균 등. 십이지장 궤양으로 헬리코박터 파이로리를 제균 치료한 후 발생한 조기 위암 1예. 대한상부위장관ㆍ헬리코박터학회지2008;8:114-118.
→ Kang HW, Kang HY, Kim SG, et al. A early gastric cancer developing after Helicobacter pylori eradication due to duodenal ulcer. Korean J Helicobacter Up Gastrointest Res 2008;8:114-118.
5. Figure legends
6. Tables
□ Did you properly format the note for abbreviations at the bottom of the table?
Ex) A: apical, C: cytoplasm, M: mucus. (×)
A: apical
C: cytoplasm
M: mucus (×)
A, apical; C, cytoplasm; M, mucus. (○)
□ Did you properly format the superscript to enumerate notes in each table?
Ex) aRIBA positive, bRIBA indeterminate, cRIBA negative. (×)
aRIBA positive.
bRIBA indeterminate.
cRIBA negative. (○)
□ Did you capitalize the first letter of nouns and adjective in table heading
Ex) Comparison of the culture sensitivity (×)
Comparison of The Culture Sensitivity (×)
Comparison of the Culture Sensitivity (○)
□ Did you capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the table?
Ex) Number of Culture Positive (×)
Number of culture positive (○)
7. Figures
- □ Are your image files in formats of JPG, JPEG, and GIF?
- □ You should attach color images with resolution of 300 dpi or higher, and black-and-white images (e.g. x-ray films) with 600 dpi or higher.
Case Report
- □ Is the manuscript 10 point type and double-spaced in an A4-size paper?
- □ Is the page number inserted consecutively at the center of the footer on each page
- □ Did you check ethics rules in submission provision?
- □ Did you refer to the “List of English Abbreviation” for the abbreviations used in your manuscript?
- □ When an abbreviation was repeated three times or more, did you use it first after marking in the parenthesis?
1. Title page
- □ Did you present the title, authors (institutional affiliation and full name), running title, contact information (corresponding author, full name, mailing address, zip code, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address) with Korean and English orderly on the cover?
- □ Did you present a shortened title if your manuscript is in Korean and the title is longer than 30 letters?
- □ Did you present a shortened title with 12 words or less if your manuscript is in English and the title is longer than 12 words?
- □ Did you disclose whether you received any funding or interests?
□ Did you capitalize the first letter of nouns and adjectives in the title of the article?
Ex) Prognostic factors of ulcer bleeding (×)
Prognostic Factors of Ulcer Bleeding (○)
☐ Did you place the last name after the first name?
Ex) Hong Kil Dong (×)
Kil-dong Hong (×)
Kil Dong Hong (○)
- □ Are the names of authors separated by commas?
□ Did you correctly use the official name for organizations?
Ex) Seoul National University Medical College (×)
Seoul National University Medical School (×)
Seoul National University College of Medicine (○)
□ Did you present the names of multiple departments and/or organizations as follows?
Ex) Department of Internal Medicine1, Department of Radiology2, Department of Pathology3 (×)
Departments of Internal Medicine1, Radiology2, and Pathology3 (○)
2. Abstract
- □ Did you write with no more than 200 words?
- □ Did you list the Key Words with no more than five words and separate with semicolon? Did you capitalize the first letter of the Key Words?
3. Introduction, Case Report, Discussion
□ Did you properly report cases as follows?
Ex) Name of patient: John Doe. Male. 56
Chief complaint: Epigastric pain
Clinical history: On the day before he visited the hospital, he had … (×)
A 16-year-old girl has been hospitalized due to bloating on her abdomen. The patient was hospitalized for severe colic 3 year ago … (O)
- □ Did you number references serially?
- □ Did you check that all references are quoted in the text?
□ Did you insert the superscripts for references as follows?
Ex) Examples are presented10-13). (×)
Examples are presented.10,11,12,13 (×)
Examples are presented.10-13 (○)
□ Did you insert a proper space between an English word and a parenthesis or between a number and a parenthesis?
Ex) tumor necrosis factor(TNF) (×)
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (○)
8 patients(16%) (×)
8 patients (16%) (○)
11/20(55.0%) (×)
11/20 (55.0%) (○)
□ Did you insert a proper space between numbers and unit?
Ex) amylase 99U/dL (×)
amylase 99 U/dL (○)
AST 125IU/L (×)
AST 125 IU/L (○)
9.2mg/dL (×)
9.2 mg/dL (○)
170cm (×)
170 cm (○)
□ Are there any unnecessary spaces between numbers and %, oC?
Ex) 78 % (×)
78% (○)
39 oC (×)
39oC (○)
□ Did you italicize the scientific name (ex. bacterial name and virus name)?
Ex) Helicobacter pylori (×)
Helicobacter pylori (○)
□ Did you present P value as an italicized capital letter?
Ex) p (×)
P (○)
- □ Did you list any irrelevant facts or knowledge with your study in your “Discussion”?
4. Reference
- □ Did you list no more than 20 references?
□ Did you list all references including Korean literatures in English? You should list all the authors for reference if the reference has no more than 6 authors. If the reference has more than 6 authors, you should list the first three authors, followed by “, et al.”
Ex) 1. Meyer JH, Kirkman S, et al. (×)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S et al. (×)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al. (○)
□ Did you place the last name before the first name?
Ex) Kelly A Allan, MD (×)
Allan KA (○)
Pei Pei Cheng (×)
Cheng PP (○)
□ Did you correctly list the authors and title as follows?
Ex) 1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al: Technical factors ... (×)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al. Technical factors ... (○)
- □ Did you check whether there are any duplicates of references under a different number?
□ Did you use the official abbreviations for the journal titles?
Ex) Gastroenterol (×)
Gastroenterology (○)
Cell Growth and Differentiation (×)
Cell Growth Differ (○)
□ Did you correctly describe the year, volume, and page numbers for reference articles as follows?
Ex) Prognosis of peptic ulcers. Gut 1987;325:103. (×)
Prognosis of peptic ulcers. Gut 325:103-106, 1987. (×)
Prognosis of peptic ulcers. Gut 1987;325:103-106. (○)
- □ Did you correctly quote the abstract, supplement, on-line journal and unpublished journal according to Pubmed form?
□ Did you capitalize the first letter of the title you quoted?
Ex) Meltzer R. Oncogene Abnormality in Colon Cancer. Gut 1987;30:23-30. (×)
Meltzer R. Oncogene abnormality in colon cancer. Gut 1987;30:23-30. (○)
□ Did you correctly format the book references?
Ex) Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. New York: Chelsea House, 2007. (×)
Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. 2nd ed. Chelsea House; New York 2007. (×)
Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea House, 2007:1-5. (×)
Fleming SL. Helicobacter pylori. 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea House, 2007. (○)
□ Did you correctly format the book chapter references as follows?
Ex) 5. Malaty HM. Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. In: Sutton P, Mitchell HM, eds. Helicobacter pylori in the 21st century. Oxfordshire: CAB International, 2010:1-12. (×)
5. Malaty HM. Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. In: Sutton P, Mitchell HM, eds. Helicobacter pylori in the 21st century. 1st ed. Oxfordshire: CAB International, 2010. (×)
5. Malaty HM. Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. In: Sutton P, Mitchell HM, eds. Helicobacter pylori in the 21st century. 1st ed. Oxfordshire: CAB International, 2010:1-12. (○)
□ Did you express Korean literatures or foreign literatures without description in English as follows?
Ex) 강현우, 강해연, 김상균 등. 십이지장 궤양으로 헬리코박터 파이로리를 제균 치료한 후 발생한 조기 위암 1예. 대한상부위장관ㆍ헬리코박터학회지2008;8:114-118.
→ Kang HW, Kang HY, Kim SG, et al. A early gastric cancer developing after Helicobacter pylori eradication due to duodenal ulcer. Korean J Helicobacter Up Gastrointest Res 2008;8:114-118.
5. Figure legends
6. Tables
□ Did you properly format the note for abbreviations at the bottom of the table?
Ex) A: apical, C: cytoplasm, M: mucus. (×)
A: apical
C: cytoplasm
M: mucus (×)
A, apical; C, cytoplasm; M, mucus. (○)
□ Did you properly format the superscript to enumerate notes in each table?
Ex) aRIBA positive, bRIBA indeterminate, cRIBA negative. (×)
aRIBA positive.
bRIBA indeterminate.
cRIBA negative. (○)
□ Did you capitalize the first letter of nouns and adjective in table headings
Ex) Comparison of the culture sensitivity (×)
Comparison of The Culture Sensitivity (×)
Comparison of the Culture Sensitivity (○)
□ Did you capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the table?
Ex) Number of Culture Positive (×)
Number of culture positive (○)
7. Figures
- □ Are your image files in formats of JPG, JPEG, and GIF?
- □ You should attach color images with resolution of 300 dpi or higher, and black-and-white images (e.g. x-ray films) with 600 dpi or higher.